We offer you the service of trademark registration in a reputable jurisdiction.

By registering a trademark (TM) in Switzerland, you can develop the company's brand in terms of both prestige and credibility, as well as applying tax relief on royalty payments under international double taxation treaties.
In most cases, royalty payments can be as low as 0%.

Trademark registration in Switzerland

Advantages of registering a trademark in Switzerland
It is possible to submit an online application
Protection of your intellectual property
A trademark will make your products and services stand out, increasing your chances of being easily recognised among your competitors
Possibility to enter into licensing agreements (brand licence), to enter into transfer agreements (franchise).
Application of tax relief for royalty payments under international double taxation treaties. Check the list of countries
Trademark registration in Switzerland gives you the right to use your trademark in all EU member states
Terms and conditions for trademark registration
You can submit an application through a representative or online
Filled in questionnaire (name, address and type of organisation, trademark, list of goods or services covered by the trademark)

Payment of state fees
Cost of registration
The cost of registering a trademark in Switzerland ranges from________
The final cost depends on the type of the trademark, as well as the number of classes in which it is registered.
Limitations on trademark registration
Since the trademark you intend to register may be similar to already registered TMs, it is important to conduct a prior expert evaluation.

Expert evaluation cost ________
Other restrictions applicable to trademark registration
The following elements cannot be registered as a trademark:

  • that are generally used to identify goods of a certain kind;
  • that are common symbols and terms;
  • that are false or may mislead the consumer about the product or its manufacturer;
  • that are contrary to the public interest and to the principles of humanity and morality.

Trademark validity

The trademark right is valid for 10 years after submission of the application. After the expiry date, the trademark may be renewed for an indefinite period by filing an application for renewal and paying the state fee.
It usually takes six days to process applications. In other cases, in special circumstances, the registration period may take up to three months.