Fill out the form to get started
the process of establishing your company in Switzerland

Company data
Specify the company form
Company name
Company email
Company phone number
Type of company activity (brief description)
Owner data
Date of birth
Place of birth (country, city)
Residence address (street, zip code, city, country)
Your marital status
% share ratio in the company
Your personal phone number
Your personal email
Add details of one more owner (if necessary)
Director of the company (resident in Switzerland)
Date of birth
Place of birth (country, city)
Residence address (street, zip code, city, country)
Your personal phone number
Your personal email
Add details of one more board member (if necessary)
Ultimate beneficiary of the company
Date of birth
Place of birth (country, city)
Residence address
Country of tax residence
Add details of one more beneficiary (if necessary)
Upload document
We ask you to provide a scanned copy of the passport of each participant in pdf, jpeg, jpg format
Passport data is used exclusively for the establishment of your company in Switzerland.
By clicking on the "Submit" button you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy.
Согласие на обработку данных
Предоставляя свои данные для регистрации компании в Эстонии, Вы даете свое согласие на обработку персональных данных в рамках регуляции Директивы EC GDPR 2016/679. Вы имеете право отозвать свое согласие в любое время, уведомив нас по e-mail, который находится в разделе Контакты.

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